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Emergency Preparedness

NJ Special Needs Registry

The NJ special needs registry is a state-wide registry for residents with special needs. This survey is voluntary, confidential and free. It is designed to assist first responders and emergency planners in identifying those residents that may need assistance in evacuating during an emergency.

What is the NJ Special Needs Registry?

The NJ Special Needs Registry has been established to collect information that emergency responders will need to help locate and evacuate people with Special Needs during an emergency. It will also aid emergency planners in the development of shelter plans for those residents with Special Needs.

Who should register?

You (or someone on your behalf) should register if you may find it difficult to get to safety with Family or Friends or to a public shelter during an emergency evacuation, because of a physical or cognitive limitation, language barrier, or lack of transportation.

How to Register:

  •  Click on the following link: www.registerready.nj.gov and complete the online registry.
  •  Call TOLL FREE 2-1-1 and register by telephone.

If you need help or assistance with registration, translation or TTY/TDD services call: IN NEW JERSEY 2-1-1 TOLL FREE

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