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Food Safety| Environmental Complaints and Property Maintenance | Recreational Bathing | Rabies Control | West Nile Virus | General Environmental Health
Food Safety:
Our environmental health staff conduct annual inspections of retail facilities to enforce laws and regulations which protect public health and safety. We are available year round for plan reviews and consultations and offer a food service management course each spring.
Risk type 3 is defined as “any retail food establishment that:
- Has an extensive menu which requires the handling of raw ingredients; and is involved in the complex preparation of menu items that includes the cooking, cooling, and reheating of at least three or more potentially hazardous foods; or
- Prepares and serves potentially hazardous foods including the extensive handling of raw ingredients; and whose primary service population is a highly susceptible population. Such establishments may include, but are not limited to, full service restaurants, diners, commissaries, and catering operations; or hospitals, nursing homes, and preschools preparing and serving potentially hazardous foods.”
If you are not sure if your establishment falls into this category, call us at (609) 492-1212.
Listed below are some private companies that offer approved courses in food safety management. The three approved certifications in New Jersey are ServSafe, National Registry of Food Safety Professionals (NRFSP) and Thompson Pro-metric. These certifications expire after 5 years and must be renewed at such time.
Risk type 3 is defined as “any retail food establishment that:
- Has an extensive menu which requires the handling of raw ingredients; and is involved in the complex preparation of menu items that includes the cooking, cooling, and reheating of at least three or more potentially hazardous foods; or
- Prepares and serves potentially hazardous foods including the extensive handling of raw ingredients; and whose primary service population is a highly susceptible population. Such establishments may include, but are not limited to, full service restaurants, diners, commissaries, and catering operations; or hospitals, nursing homes, and preschools preparing and serving potentially hazardous foods.”
If you are not sure if your establishment falls into this category, call us at (609) 492-1212.
Listed below are New Jersey accredited organizations that offer approved courses in food safety management. Only Food Protection Manager certificates issued by New Jersey accredited organizations are accepted. These certifications expire after 5 years and must be renewed at such time.
New Jersey Accredited Food Protection Manager Organizations:
- 360 Training
- AAA Food Manager /AAAFoodHandler.com
- AboveTraining /StateFoodSafety
- Always Food Safe
- Cenza Smart
- EduClasses FMC Food Managers Certification
- Environmental Health Testing
(National Registry of Food Safety Professionals) - My Food Service License
- National Restaurant Association
- ServSafe Manager
- The Always Food Safe Company, LLC
- Trust20: A New Standard in Restaurant Safety
- Userve
- WFSO Academy
Environmental Complaints and Property Maintenance:
Complaints, regarding weeds, poison ivy, trash and debris, insects, rodents, housing and other property maintenance issues, are investigated by our environmental health staff.
Long Beach Township Ordinance 105:
As of July 1, 2013, demolition activities shall employ water dampening techniques to suppress dust and debris.
Here are several recommendations to assist compliance with the local ordinance as well as the State air pollution regulations:
- Plan out water supply in advance of work.
- Fix water spray to allow for continuous wet down of debris pile.
- With each addition of new demolition material to pile, allow a short time of wet down prior to pulverizing.
- Strategically dismantle structure, keep in mind wind direction and controlling dust and debris field.
- Clean up any material that strays from job site.
Recreational Bathing Program:
Public swimming pools and bathing beaches are inspected for safety and supervision, equipment and maintenance. Sampling of recreational waters is monitored during the summer season to protect the health of swimmers.
The Cooperative Coastal Monitoring Program (CCMP) is a joint effort between the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the Long Beach Island Health Department. Seasonal water quality monitoring is performed routinely on Mondays and throughout the week as necessary at public bathing areas.
Information on results advisories, and closings, can be found at njbeaches.org
Rabies Control:
Animal bites and exposures are investigated.
West Nile Virus:
The New Jersey Department of Health Public Health and Environmental Laboratories test select bird species for West Nile Virus infection and monitoring.